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Trump deportation, Supreme Court cross, Kyle Kashuv, House Hunters.

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The Mad Titan:Donald Trump’s warning that ICE would begin deporting “millions” of undocumented immigrants was ludicrous on its face—but what if it really happened? León Krauze draws on a new study and interviews with dairy and meat industry workers to illustrate the devastating economic consequences of mass deportation: “Within days there wouldn’t be any milk on the shelves,” said one farmer.

Big cross:Today the Supreme Court ruled that a 40-foot cross on public land, receiving public funds, did not violate the Constitution’s establishment clause. Mark Joseph Stern explains how the majority transformed this inherently Christian symbol into a monument with “secular meaning” and why this ruling imperils the separation of church and state.


Fellow kids:Conservative commentators were quick to characterize Harvard as “gutless” and “cruel” for rescinding Kyle Kashuv’s admission over his racist comments, calling the Parkland graduate a victim of “cancel culture.” But Kashuv’s would-be classmates aren’t so sure; Ruth Graham asked Harvard’s young Republicans what they thought of the decision.

Home staging:Ever wondered what it’s like to be on House Hunters? Elizabeth Newcamp can tell you—she’s been on the show twice and … wasn’t actually house hunting either time. Read her account of elaborately faked sets, arguments, and bathtub demands.

For fun:R.I.P. Lindsay Lohan’s Beach Club.

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There are 23 Democratic candidates (and counting), and then there’s Trump. The race for 2020 is very much on. Keep up with the policies and positions, and find out who’s surging—and who’s not—each week with Slate’s new 2020 campaign newsletter, written by Jim Newell.

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