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Cuomo says “no way” he’ll resign as allegations pile up.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo isn’t budging. As former aides continue to come forward with allegations of sexual harassment and inappropriate behavior particularly targeted at young women, Cuomo was adamant Sunday that he won’t resign and called on New Yorkers to wait until the investigation into the claims is finished before reaching any conclusions. Suggesting he resign is actually “anti-democratic,” Cuomo said in a conference call with reporters as two more former aides accused him of inappropriate behavior over the weekend.

“I’m not going to resign because of allegations,” Cuomo said. “The premise of resigning because of allegations is actually anti-democratic. We’ve always done the exact opposite—the system is based on due process and the credibility of the allegations.” The New York governor insisted “there is no way I resign.” As he urged patience. “Let’s do the attorney general investigation, let’s get the findings, and then we’ll go from there,” he said.

When he was asked about Democrats who have called for his resignation, Cuomo said no one should reach conclusions based on allegations alone. “There is politics in politics,” Cuomo said. “They don’t get to hear an allegation and make a determination on the allegation.”

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Shortly after Cuomo’s call with reporters, the two top Democrats in New York’s legislature withdrew their support for the governor. State Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins became the first senior Democrat in the state to directly call for the resignation. “Everyday there is another account that is drawing away from the business of government,” she said. “New York is still in the midst of this pandemic and is still facing the societal, health and economic impacts of it. We need to govern without daily distraction. For the good of the state Governor Cuomo must resign.” Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie got close to calling for the resignation but didn’t quite get there. “I think it is time for the Governor to seriously consider whether he can effectively meet the needs of the people of New York,” Heastie said.

Other key Democrats have so far pointedly held off on calling for Cuomo’s resignation. Sen. Chuck Schumer, for example, refused to say whether Cuomo should step down, choosing instead to say he had confidence in the ongoing investigation.

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